From Laminate Trimmers to 3HP Monsters// Rout-N-Plane Works with Them All!
End grain cutting boards – stand up to heavy work in the kitchen better than edge grain or face grain boards. But leveling an end grain board should never be done on a jointer or thinckness planer. It’s not only ineffective it’s potentially dangerous. Leveling them with a router sled isn’t exactly a new idea, but Rout-N-Plane offers convenience and flexibility you can’t get with a shop-built sled. Rout-N-Plane adjusts in seconds to safely guide any router across your board. It adjusts for board thickness from 3.4″ to a full 3″. It works on boards up to 15″ Wide.
Engineered for leveling and smoothing end grain cutting boardssized to work with everything from cordless palm routers to the biggest plunge routers on the market. Now here’s the next piece of the puzzle. Woodpeckers New Rout-N-Plane Bench Top Board Mill. Just fix your cutting board to a flat table at least 22-1/2″ wide, adjust the Rout-N-Plane height just above the board and set your router depth of cut to shave a little off the top. In minutes you’ll have a flat board ready for finish sanding.
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